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Diet and Still Drink Alcohol

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Samantha Lee/Business Insider
  • Alcohol isn't great for fat loss because it's high in calories and also leads to eating more.
  • Drinking tends to hinder fitness progress too.
  • Research suggests that drinking in moderation won't have a significant impact on body composition.
  • Read more Working It Out here.
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Dear Rachel,

I've just started trying to slim down as my weight has been gradually creeping up for a while now. I'd like to get back to feeling my best so I'm trying to keep my portions in check, focus on whole foods, and stay active with a goal of four workouts a week and 10,000 steps a day.

One thing I'm confused about is whether I need to cut out alcohol altogether. I know it's high in calories, but does it also limit fat loss? Will it affect my workouts? I do enjoy a drink a few days a week so don't want to cut it out if I don't have to, but I also find it quite hard to have just one glass. Please help!

— Slimline Drinker

Dear Slimline,

Ah, alcohol. Such a tricky mistress, isn't it? I for one have had quite the journey when it comes to my relationship with booze, and that's coincided with my fitness journey too.

I now drink a lot less than I used to because my health and fitness are a priority to me, and the fact of the matter is that vast alcohol consumption just doesn't lend itself to smashing PBs in the gym and being a beacon of health. Which is a shame, because it can certainly be fun to enjoy a drink or two with friends.

That said, I am a firm believer in "everything in moderation." Unless you have a problematic relationship with alcohol (in which case you should seek professional help), you don't need to cut it out altogether. Just like with food, cutting out anything you enjoy from your diet just isn't sustainable.

"I truly believe that any food or drink can be incorporated into a healthy diet," registered dietitian Alix Turoff told Insider. "That said, when you're trying to lose weight and you don't want to give up alcohol, you'll have to make some concessions."

Alcohol is high in calories

A calorie deficit (consuming less energy than you expend) is the only way to lose weight, and it's no secret that alcohol is high in calories: A large glass of wine, for example, contains around 228 calories. If you're aiming to eat, say 1,600 calories a day, a glass or two can make it incredibly hard to hit your calorie target while not providing any nutrients that you'd get if you consumed the same in food.

One shot of the average clear spirit like gin or vodka is generally a lower calorie option — it's often the mixers that lead to calories tallying up.

A post shared by Alix Turoff MS, RD, CPT (@alixturoff_rd)

If you want to make lower calorie choices, Turoff recommends:

  • Skipping the simple syrup
  • Getting ice on the side so you can add it to your drink as you go and make it last longer
  • Avoiding frozen and creamy drinks like frozen margaritas or piña coladas
  • Adding club soda to your drinks to add more volume, such as a wine spritzer
  • Asking for a "splash" of juice or more sugary ingredients so you get the flavors but less sugar
  • Adding flavors with garnishes like muddled cucumbers, mint, fresh ginger, and strawberries.

If doing all of the above is only going to leave you dissatisfied and looking enviously at your friend's piña colada, you might be better off just getting one and savoring it, instead of drinking three vodka, lime, and sodas and not really enjoying them at all.

Alcohol leads to eating more

The calories in alcohol are only one part of the picture — for many people, it's the associated eating where calories really spike.

"Alcohol is a notoriously poor regulator of appetite and can nudge you towards eating more food, even when you don't drink very much," personal trainer Ben Carpenter told Insider.

Research found that when people drank a glass of wine before or during lunch, they consumed 22-25% more food on average than if they had none, and similar studies reinforce the notion that alcohol makes people hungrier.

However, there's also some evidence to show that the size of this effect varies from person to person.

A post shared by Ben Carpenter (@bdccarpenter)

"It may also depend on how much you drink; maybe your appetite isn't impacted after one drink but after a few, you suddenly want to eat food that you never normally intend to eat," Carpenter said.

Drinking interrupts fat loss too. Put very simply, when we consume alcohol, our bodies begin to metabolize it ASAP as it's a toxin that our bodies want to get rid of.

"Fat oxidation stops because our bodies are prioritizing the alcohol metabolism which means the food you're eating with alcohol is more likely to be stored as fat," Turoff said.

If you can, try and make healthier food choices while drinking.

"A meal of lean protein (such as chicken breast or fish) with vegetables is going to be a lot harder for the body to store as fat," Turoff said.

Ultimately though, the more you drink, the harder it's going to be to make those healthy choices. And there's also the fact that if you find yourself hungover the next day, the takeout menu may be harder than normal to resist.

Alcohol leads to slower fitness progress

Not only does a hangover tend to lead to dietary choices that won't align with your goals, you'll likely be less keen to work out, and if you do make it to the gym, it probably won't be one of your finest sessions.

A post shared by Rachel Hosie (@rachel_hosie)

"Alcohol has been shown to impede recovery from your workouts and suppress important muscle building processes which means that if you want absolute peak performance, consuming a lot of alcohol probably won't be high on your list of things to do," Carpenter said.

Alcohol in moderation is OK

This may all sound like you can never drink again if you want to get in shape, but that's not the case. You just need to take everything into consideration.

Carpenter points to a study that gave women and men 1-2 drinks per day respectively five days per week, compared to a group that did not drink alcohol, for a 10-week period alongside exercise. The researchers found that there was no impact on body composition, and results were similar whether subjects were drinking the alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages.

"This means that theoretically, we know that alcohol can interfere with body composition via various mechanisms but over a longer period of time, it is possible that lower intakes will not significantly impact fat loss or muscle growth," Carpenter said.

Ultimately, it's up to you. How high a priority is reaching your fitness goals? Are you in a rush to lose the weight? I would recommend doing it slower and more sustainably, and if that means incorporating a few drinks a week, I'd do it.

A post shared by Rachel Hosie (@rachel_hosie)

Fitness should be a part of your life, not your whole life. Try and drink in moderation on the whole, and if you occasionally overdo it on the margaritas and then end up inhaling a large pizza and skipping the gym the next day, don't beat yourself up. That's OK, you haven't messed everything up. Just get back on track.

Wishing you well,


As a senior lifestyle reporter at Insider and a self-described fitness fanatic with an Association for Nutrition-certified nutrition course under her belt, Rachel Hosie is immersed in the wellness scene and here to answer all your burning questions. Whether you're struggling to find the motivation to go for a run, confused about light versus heavy weights, or unsure whether you should be worried about how much sugar is in a mango, Rachel is here to give you the no-nonsense answers and advice you need, with strictly no fad diets in sight.

Rachel has a wealth of experience covering fitness, nutrition, and wellness, and she has the hottest experts at her fingertips. She regularly speaks to some of the world's most knowledgeable and renowned personal trainers, dietitians, and coaches, ensuring she's always up to date with the latest science-backed facts you need to know to live your happiest and healthiest life.

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Diet and Still Drink Alcohol
