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Can I Drink Diet Coke First Trimester

Just how bad is diet coke when pregnant ??

(49 Posts)

peppermintpig Tue 02-Dec-08 17:52:34

I have never drunk diet coke and generally eat/drink very healthily and don't drink coke or any fizzy drinks as tend to avoid any chemicals. However I've developed a craving for diet coke and have had 4 or 5 cans a week...mentioned this to a couple of friends who were horrified. Now feeling terrible. They said I should have drunk full fat if anything and just saw this mentioned on another thread which promoted me to post.

What's the story, does anyone know specifically what problems it might cause ? I haven't seen it listed on any 'banned' food lists. Ofcourse am happy to fight the craving now but am 36 weeks so can only really worry rather than act!

LoveActually Tue 02-Dec-08 18:00:10

I think it's because diet coke contains artificial sweetners, which have been linked with a few nasties. A few a week probably won't hurt, personally though I've been avoiding sweetners for years and more so when pregnant.
I would try and go for full fat, I had a craving for coke and just went for the full sugar version.
Pregnancy aside there have been some studies on artificial sweetners that show they make the body think it is getting sugar and when it doesn't you crave it even more? xxx

hollyivypoppy34 Tue 02-Dec-08 18:01:32

would echo what loveactually says but also be careful re teh caffeine content as too much caffeine esp in early pregnancy have been linked to pregnancy problems although given you're 36 weeks think that is not an issue

LadyGlencoraPalliser Tue 02-Dec-08 18:03:22

There is loads of stuff on the internet about how aspartame - the sweetener in Diet Coke - is the devil's work. Most of it is hysterical scaremongering with no evidence to back it up. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you - I drank several cans a day through my three pregnancies - less caffeine than in one cup of coffee, and as I said there is no credible evidence that aspartame is harmful in those sort of amounts.

constancereader Tue 02-Dec-08 18:06:09

It is not poison, your friends were being slightly hysterical. Try not to worry!

flowerybeanbag Tue 02-Dec-08 18:09:13

I drink a lot of diet coke. I went off it for most of my pregnancy with DS, just didn't fancy it, not a deliberate decision.

In terms of caffeine, less than tea or coffee, can't imagine 4 or 5 cans a week is going to hurt you.

peppermintpig Tue 02-Dec-08 18:10:22

Thanks all - a bit of quick reassurance was definately required. Yes one friend's a bit prone to hysteria about health issues. Didn't dare google as knew I'd get more common sense on here! Am generally feeling pretty low in this pregnancy so a bit vulnerable to scare mongering.

titmouse Tue 02-Dec-08 19:00:17

I've been drinking diet coke, I didn't hear until very recently about the aspartame thing but I think 4-5 a week like you're having is ok. I'm not drinking tea/coffee. And as sad as it sounds, I haven't had alcohol in so long that I really look forward to a diet coke with ice and a slice when I am watching X Factor!!

angel1976 Tue 02-Dec-08 19:27:14

I did do a search for this while preggers as I CRAVED diet coke as well. It seems like you have to drink something like 20 cans a day for it to even do any harm. I wouldn't worry too much, I tried to limit myself to 3 cans a week and my DS is very healthy!

EllieG Tue 02-Dec-08 19:35:44

I drank masses of diet coke when pg as also craved it. No probs at all.

And I drank coffee too. Though not as much.

belgo Tue 02-Dec-08 19:37:20

4/5 cans of coke a week are fine. It makes me really annoyed that other people are horrified by that - how dare they imply that you may be doing something to harm your child.

redshoes Tue 02-Dec-08 19:38:07

I also craved it when pregnant. Drank it with all 4 of mine! Try caffeine-free diet coke??

brettgirl2 Tue 02-Dec-08 20:18:56

People like to make you feel guilty about everything. Then if you abstain from everything you are treated like a neurotic party pooper hmm

auntyspan Tue 02-Dec-08 20:50:16

they're probably smoking the odd crack pipe whilst no-one's looking... wink

CookieMonster2 Tue 02-Dec-08 21:11:48

Aspartame is used in all sorts of foods though, including most low fat yoghurts. If you tried to avoid it altogther you would either be on a high calorie diet, or a diet consisting of not much at all. There is nothing wrong with most things in moderation.

VeniVidiVickiQV Tue 02-Dec-08 21:13:59

I drank loads and mw told me off because it helps to deplete iron stores and make you anaemic.

SingingBear Tue 02-Dec-08 21:15:47

SingingBear Tue 02-Dec-08 21:16:47

wasabipeanut Tue 02-Dec-08 21:21:50

Personally I think Diet Coke is full of crap - there's just nothing good in it. I stopped drinking it several years ago well before pregnancy was even a thought in my head - I just noticed that a felt a lot better when I didn't drink the stuff.

Having said that, I wouldn't have thought a few cans would do a lo any harm, although I'd be conscious of overall caffiene intake.

Scarletibis Tue 02-Dec-08 21:28:11

I drunk about the same amount of diet coke during my pregnancies - I found it was one of the few things i could drink 1st in the morning. I honestly don't believe it is a problem.

Full fat coke is much worse for your teeth - so your friends are talking bollocks.

EightiesChick Wed 03-Dec-08 10:28:13

I have also been feeling like diet coke. I've switched to caffeine free diet coke (on offer in bottles at Tesco at the mo smile) and don't notice the difference. Might even stick with it after baby is born.

I have also heard the aspartame rumours but have figured that you can't possibly avoid everything and if a cold fizzy drink gets me through the day I can live with that. I would


to be drinking more water instead but find the diet coke gives me more of a lift.

Catfinch Thu 22-Jan-09 15:32:10

I am completely caffeine free and have been for years. I only drink Herbal Tea and water but since I found out I was pregnant (i'm only 6 weeks) the ONLY think that stops we wanting to vomit is Diet Coke! Why is that? Its not the only unhealthy thing I'm craving - and I only have to open the cupboard where the herbal tea is and I want to puke... I thought you were supposed to crave the things your body needed????

handbagqueen Thu 22-Jan-09 15:38:23

I had exactly the same craving during my pregnancy. I now have a very healthy, happy 18month old DD so it can't have done her any harm.

Enjoy your pregnancy.

ladylush Thu 22-Jan-09 16:25:56

I think diet coke might have more caffeine than a cup of tea but the amount you're drinking will not harm you or the baby, so I wouldn't worry.

Sunflower100 Thu 22-Jan-09 16:49:16

I also drank it when pg with dd and craving it again- trying to drink in moderation - less than every day!

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Can I Drink Diet Coke First Trimester
