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Black Ops 2 Bus Driver Kicks You Off

T.E.D.D. is the automated driver. It is obvious he has substained catastrophic damage due to quotes and his appearance.


  • 1 Entrance
  • 2 Attacking
  • 3 Randomly
  • 4 Errors
  • 5 Arriving
    • 5.1 The Bridge
    • 5.2 Diner
    • 5.3 Power Station
    • 5.4 Bus Depot
    • 5.5 Forest
    • 5.6 Farm

Entrance [ ]

"Welcome aboard, please secure all personal belongings and take your seat. Now departing for the H.A.A.R.P. research station."
— When entering the bus.
"Welcome aboard Speedway Bus Lines!"
— When entering the Bus..
"Welcome aboard! Please have a seat. Thank you for choosing Consolidated Coach Corporation Bus Lines. We know it is a big decision who you ride with, and we are privileged to have been chosen."
— While getting on the bus.

Attacking [ ]

"It is unsafe to distract the driver while the bus is operational."
— Attacking the Bus Driver
"Authorities have been alerted to your destructive action."
— Attacking the Bus Driver.
"Please display courtesy to the automatic driver."
— Attacking the Bus Driver
"Vandals will be ejected without a refund."
— Attacking the Bus Driver
"Stay behind the yellow lines at all times or you'll be sorry, asshole!"
— Attacking the Bus Driver
"Door privileges have been fucking revoked!"
— After the Bus Driver locks the doors due to attacks.
"Warning, warning. Software failure imminent."
— Attacking the Bus Driver 69 times
"Keep fucking with me. See if I don't crash this bus and kill you all."
— Attacking the Bus Driver
"Stay behind the yellow lines or face termination!"
— Attacking the Bus Driver
"Hey asshole, I'm telling you to stop or I'm driving you off a cliff!"
— Attacking the Bus Driver
"Fuck you, get your ass off my bus!"
— Attacking the Bus Driver
"Fuck you, now I am not stopping!"
— After the Bus Driver skips a stop due to attacks.
"This bus is out of order. A replacement driver has been notified and will be here in exactly one-hundred twenty-three years... We're all fucked."
— When disabled by a EMP.
"This is the end of the road"
-- When disabled by an EMP

Randomly [ ]

"Please remember to pay in exact change"
— Said randomly.

"Please fuck off you wank"

— Said randomly.

"'Now crossing the Grand Canyon"
— Said randomly.
"Please remove all baggage from the seat next to you, to make room for new passengers!"
— Said randomly.
"All passengers who engage in violence will be forcefully ejected!"
— Said randomly.
"Passengers must restrain small children when the bus is in motion."
— Said randomly.
"Pismo beach. there's nowhere quite like Pismo beach."
— Said randomly.
"Now arriving at Groom Lake. Last call for Groom lake."
— Said randomly (possible reference to the zombies map Moon).
"Bohemian Grove. Put on your hoods and disembark at Bohemian Grove."
— Said randomly.
"Yellow Stone Park. Step off the bus to see beautiful Yellow Stone Park."
— Said randomly.
"Attention passengers, the next stop is the island of Hawaii. You're all going to drown!"
— Said randomly.
"If you look out the windows on your right, you will see the beautiful Great Slate Lake, The greatest freshwater lake in the region."
— Said randomly.
"Attention passengers, please activate clean-suits and disembark for Mount Weather."
— Said randomly.
"Harvard Yard. Everyone off for Harvard Yard."
— Said randomly.
"Ladies and gentleman, we are now arriving at the Fast Flux Test Facility."
— Said randomly.
"Please gather all Top Secret files, and disembark for Deep Springs Gravitational Anomaly."
— Said randomly.
"Now approaching tunnel entrance for Dulce Base."
— Said randomly.
"Grand Central Station. End of the line, Grand Central Station."
— Said randomly.
"Greenbrier Resort. Every one off for Greenbrier Resort."
— Said randomly.
"Darkened Hole in a Cliff just ahead."
— Said randomly.
"Santa Monica Promenade. Ride the Ferris wheel, surf the pier."
— Said randomly.
"Tehachapi Ranch, just ahead. Please gather your biohazard suits if Tehachapi Ranch is your stop."
— Said randomly.

Errors [ ]

"Error Error - Global Positioning System Navigation error. Maintain current course. Implementing automatic course upgrade protocol."
— Said when arriving at Diner
"Error Error - False transponder non-operational. Defaulting to programmed route cycle. Now arriving Savannah River Tritium K reactor."
— Said when reaching the bridge.
"Error Error - Transport is under attack by city population. Engaging emergency ride software."
— While bus being attacked by zombies

Arriving [ ]

The Bridge [ ]

"NO! FUCK! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD GOODBYE! Oh. We made it. Consolidating Coach Corp would like to remind you to stay calm in any emergency situations."
— Said when crossing the bridge for the first time.
"Broken Bridge to nowhere, coming right up!"
— Says when they are crossing the bridge
"HOLY CRAP! THE BRIDGE IS GOING DOWN! Wait, it stopped. Let's just test its structural integrity by continuing to drive this heavy bus over it, shall we?"
— Said when crossing the bridge for the first time.
"Falling down depths of a broken bridge ahead, been there, done that!"
— Says when they are crossing the bridge
"If you look to your left, you will see the river of lava that we appear to be falling into. Time to panic!"
— Said when crossing the bridge for the first time.
"Now as we drive over through this collasping bridge, please remember there is no afterlife that your love one will be joining you in!"
— Says when they are crossing the bridge

Diner [ ]

"What could go wrong in a darkened Diner with gasoline covering the ground?"
— When arriving at the Diner.
"What could go wrong in a darkened diner in the middle of nowhere?"
— When arriving at the Diner.
"Now approaching a run-down gas station and a diner filled with undead things which wanna kill you!"
— When arriving at the Diner.
"What could possibly go wrong with flammable fuel at an old, broken down diner"
— When arriving at the Diner.

Power Station [ ]

"Abandoned power facility just ahead. What could go wrong?"
— When arriving at the Power Station.
"Abandoned power facility up ahead. Disembark and light up the whole neighborhood why don't 'cha?"
— When arriving at the Power Station.
"I'd warn you about this place, but I doubt you'd listen."
— When arriving at the Power Station.

Bus Depot [ ]

"New route announcement engaged. Now approaching Consolidated Coach Corporation bus depot."
— When arriving at the Bus Depot.
"Next station: decrepit bus stop filled with undead."
— When arriving at the Bus Depot.
"All off for a one way trip to Deadsville!"
— When arriving at the Bus Depot.

Forest [ ]

"You could disembark for a nice walk in the forest here. I'm sure there's nothing that wants to kill you out there."
— When passing by the forest.
"Mysterous and dangerous forest just ahead!"
— Says when driving through the fog between the diner and the farm
"Secluded forest just ahead, perfect for hiding corpses or commiting crimes!"
— Says when driving through the fog between the power station and town
"And yet, another mysterious and dangerous forest just ahead!"
— Says when driving through the fog between the power station and the town
"Go ahead, get off here! See how long you last!"
— Says when driving through the fog between the diner and the farm for the 5th or more times

Farm [ ]

"Everyone off the charming country cottage covered with creeps!"
— Upon entering the Farm.
"Everyone off for Charlie's country cottage covered with creeps."
— Says when arriving at the farm for the 4th time. Second repeat.
"One road cannibalism zone, coming up next!"
— Says when arriving at the farm for the 5th time

Black Ops 2 Bus Driver Kicks You Off
